Monday, May 23, 2011

fermenter 5.8

  1. The industrial fermentor is a reaction vessel in which fermentation takes place.
  2. It is made out of metal, e.g. copper, steel.
  3. Lets take a steel jacket for an example. We will find that there is another steel jacket within the steel jacket.
  4. In between the two jackets, we will have water because this is a cooling jacket. Once the fermentation starts, it produces heat. The in-between of the jacket cools the reaction down so that it occurs at optimal conditions.
  5. the fermentor will need to be cleaned therefore we have the inlet which allows steam through it.
  6. The steam sterilises the tank in between fermentations, so basically after the product is produced, the tank has to be cleaned in order to start the process again.
  7. Within the fermentor there's a heating plate to raise the temperature.
  8. The combination of the heater and the cooling jacket allows us to control the soptimum conditions for fermentation.
  9. Nutrients, the food for the micro-organisms have to be added to the tank so that fermentation can actually occur.
  10. We will need to monitor the temperature in the temperature probe. This tells us whether to deploy the heater or the cooling jacket.
  11. We will also require a pH probe, which is kept at an optimum rate so that we get more reactions.
  12. The reaction is stirred through a motor.
  13. This agitates the mixture stopping it from clomping together, spreading the mixture.
  14. The idea of the fermentor is to create a reaction center in which we control the optimum growth conditions for the micro organisms.
  15. At the end of the reaction the product is drained off through the bottom of the tank, the product would then have to go through a downstream process which involves purification.

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