Friday, May 27, 2011

2.58 The Role of Plasma

  1. Plasma is 55 percent of blood.
  2. It is largely composed of water.
  3. The water is a solvent and a fluid
  4. Carbon dioxide is carried in the plasma and dissolved in the water in the form of hydrogen carbonate ends and some are dissolved as carbon dioxide directly.
  5. Digested food takes the form of amino acids and soluble sugars. these are dissolved in the plasma and be transported to the cells.
  6. Uria, waste molecules, are also soluble in water and is transported from the liver to the kidney and dissolved in the plasma of blood.
  7. Blood is used for the communication between signalling molecules known as hormones e.g. ADH, inulin and glucagon.
  8. Water is very good at carrying heat. It is relevant in order to mantain body temperature as it does well in cooling or warmin the body.

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