Thursday, May 26, 2011

2.46 adaptation of alveoli

  1. Gas exchange in the lungs is about oxygen in air going into the bloodstream and about carbon dioxide being exhaled.
  2. We're adding oxygen and removing carbon doxide.
  3. This process is called diffusion as molecules move from a region of high concentration to low concentration.
  4. The process does not require energy.
  5. Alveoli are the dead end structures of the bronchioles.
  6. Around the alveoli are lots of blood vessels.
  7. 80 metres squared of surface area is the first adaptaion.
  8. The dense network of blood vessels to carry the oxygen and deliver the carbin dioxide.
  9. very thin walls which results in faster diffusion.
  10. Inside wall of the alveoli is moist- allows tha gases to dissolve easily, faster diffusion.

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