Friday, May 27, 2011

2.61 Vaccination

  1. In vaccination, the pathogen is dead or wekeaned (attenuated) therefore the pathogen cannot cause disease.
  2. However, the pathogen can still be injected into the system and be presented to the lymphocyte.
  3. This will resu;t in a plasma clone and a clone of memory cells.
  4. The reason we have to vaccinate is because the process of meeting the pathogen and producing the plasma cells and memory cells takes time.
  5. During the time, the organism may be killed or damaged severely.
  6. Therefore if we inject an attenuated pathogen, it doesn't do any of those things. However, it does produce memory cells and antibodies.  
  7. Next time when the person meets the real pathogen, in would be quickly picked up by the memory cells and would be killed to the antibodies.
  8. The memory cells would divide to form clones of plasma cells resulting in many antibodies.  
  9. This does not give the pathogen to cause death or damage.

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