Tuesday, May 24, 2011

2.6 Biological Molecules

  1. Carbohydrates- composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The simplest carbohydrates are sugars.
  2. The large molecules the sugars combone to form are starch (in plants) and glycogen.
  3. In animals, the chain of sugar, which is glycogen, is branched out.
  4. However, in plants they are just a straight long chain which forms starch.
  5. Protein-composed of nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen and carbons.
  6. The simplest forms of proteins are amino acids.
  7. The amino acids are joined together to make long chains. It is these chains we call proteins.
  8. Lipids- the simplest forms of lipid is glycerol.
  9. Lipids have another type of molecules known as fatty acids made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen chains.
  10. Lipids are formed by joining the two typed of molecules, fatty acids and glycerol.

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