Friday, May 27, 2011

260b lymphoytes

  1. Pathogen is a disease causing organism e.g. bacteria.
  2. Lymphocite is a type of white blood cell. It had a large nucleus.
  3. Each bacteria has a specific type of lymphocyte.
  4. When the bacteria and the lymphocyte come together, the White blood cell divides into two clones.
  5. One clone is called memory cells while the other clone releases antibodies and is known as plasma cell.
  6. These plasma cells release from the cell into the bloodstream, protein molecules which are our antibodies.
  7. The antibody attaches to the bacterial cell an act as a label that will atract phagocytes or the antibody attatches and causes bacterial lysis, the cell bursts.
  8. The antibody causes the bacterial cells to stick together. They cause many bacteria to stick to gether. This is called glutination. This results in a phagocyte engulfing many bacteria at the same time.
  9. The chances of the bacteria meeting the memory cells is greater than meeting the one original cell. This results in us reacting faster with more antibodies. This is called the secondary response.

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