Friday, May 27, 2011

2.64 heart output

  1. Exercise involves muscle contraction. This muscle contraction requires energy.
  2. The energy is produced by increased levels of muscle cells respiration.
  3. The muscle cells needs more oxygen suppiled to it.
  4. We need to remove more carbon dioxide.
  5. By increasing heart rate, we increase blood supply and oxygen. We can remove carbon dioxide.
  6. The heart can also be influenced by hormones, such as adrenaline. This is produced in the adrenal glands which is located on top of the kidney.
  7. This travels to the heart in the blood stream. Increases the heart rate.
  8. The stimulus for the production of adrenaline is fear, anxiousness, danger etc...
  9. A faster beating heart sends more oxygen and more glucose.

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