Tuesday, May 10, 2011

4.3 Quadrates sample

  1. Our sample has to be random and representative (large).
  2. Draw a square with grids on it, which act like the x-y coordinates on a graph.
  3. Place our quadrates in the square, according the coordinates such as (3,3).
  4. Our quadrates have to be random, generated online or from a table. The use of the random numbers are to indicate the (x,y) coordinates.  
  5. If the grid our quadrate has been placed in is 1m by 1m, we can count the number of the same species of organisms such as daisies have grown in the particular grid.
  6. The bigger the sample, the better. We should be looking for 10 quadrates. The 10 percent of the actual area would be better.
  7. Information can be recorded in a table, quadrate number in one column and the no of daisies in the other.
  8. We would now add the number of column with the daisies in it and divide it by the number of quadrates.

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