Tuesday, May 17, 2011

4.7 energy efficiency

  1.  Of 100 percent of producers only 10 percent make it to the next primary consumer level and only one percent makes it to the secondary level.
  2. 100 kJ of grass energy represents the grass eaten by the herbivore.
  3. Only 10 kJ of the original 100 kJ will become part of the mouse tissue because the herbivores carry out the process of respiration while hunting for their food, they release energy. Not all of the 100 kJ of energy is available to the herbivore. For instance some herbivores cannot digest cellulose therefore this energy would be lost in the form of feces.
  4. 90 percent of the energy from the grass to the herbivore would be lost through respiration and undigested food.
  5. The secondary consumer would only be able to gain 1 kJ of energy from the grass by eating the herbivore. The secondary consumer will also lose the energy through feces and respiration.

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