Friday, May 27, 2011

2.60a Phagocytosis

  1. White blood cells have lobed nucleus. It defends us against infections. It can detect the bacteria because the bacteria gives off chemicals. Phagocytes is a type of white blood cell.
  2. 'phago' means feeding and 'cites' mean cells.
  3. When the phagocytes sense the chemicals from the bacteria, they extend themselves around the bacteria. These extensions are called psaedopodia. 'Psaedo' means false and 'podia' means food.
  4. Later, on the next stage, the bacteria is enclosed around the phagocytes completely. The cell membrane of the phagocytes surround the bacteria completely.
  5. However, when the cell membrane of the same phagocyte touch each other when they're around the becteria completely, it fuses.
  6. On the next stage, we have the bacteria in the cell enclosed by membrane. The sturtcure of the membrane and the bacteria is known as vesicle.
  7. The next stage is that the white cell will introduce enzymes which will destroy the bacteria.
  8. The whit blood cell will then excrete and release the fragments of the bacteria.

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