Tuesday, May 24, 2011

2.24b Vitamins and Minerals

  1. Minerals- Calcium and iron
  2. Calcium can be obtained from dairy products such as milk. It results in bone strength. lack of calcium can result in rickets.
  3. Iron can be obtained from liver and spinach. It manufactures the haemoglobin, in red blood cells. Lack of iron results in anaemia, lack of haemoglobin. People with anaemia are pale, and they get tired very quickly.
  4. Fibre is a plant cell wall. It's the carbohydrate cellulose. We get this from plants in our diets. Lack of fibre would result in constipation. The role of fibre is to mantain peristalsis.
  5. Water creates solutions. In those solutions, chemical reactions take place. We can obtain this from drinking it or it may be inside the food we're eating itself. Lack of water results in dehydration.

Deficiency Disease
Light sensitive pigments in our eye, sources: liver, fish, and oil
Night blindness
Absorb calcium from our diet, sources: sunshine, fats, eggs, fish
Rickets- bending of bones
Form connective tissues helps cells to stick to each other  sources: Citrus fruits such as orange
Scurvy-bleeding gums in and around the mouth

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