Thursday, May 19, 2011

2.1 Organisation Cells

  1. Organisms are made up of organelles, cells, tissues, and systems.
  2. Organisms are usually interpretted as living things who are of an individual species and are able to produce an offspring by reproducing. These include plants. 
  3. Systems are organs and tissues and cells working together.
  4. In a plant the systems work together in order for the plant to photosynthesize.
  5. Tissues are cells of the same kind and it could be told because the cells that make up the tissue have the same shape. They also carry out the same single function.
  6. Phloem in the plant is a tissue, this tranports cell 'saps'
  7. xylem is a tissue as well- it transports water and minerals.
  8. palisade tissue is the main tissue involved in photosynthesis.
  9. Mysophyll tissues allowed gases to move through.
  10. Tissues working together would gove us an organ.
  11. We also have different types of cells in a multicellular organism.
  12. During the develeopment of the organism, the cells specialize. It does this by switching on the genes which cause the change in the shape, giving the cell a particular function. This is called defferentiation.
  13. There are parts of a cell that work together to give the cell function. For instance, chloroplasts trap light, and the cell membrane, cytoplasm, cell wall. These parts of a cell are called organelles. They work together to form a cell.
  14. A group of cells form a tissue, a group of tissues form an organ, a group of organs form a system and the group of systems form an organism.

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