Monday, May 23, 2011

5.5 beer production

  1. The beer is largely ethanol, an alcohol molecule, which is produced from glucose through anaerobic respiration, sometimes called fermentation respiration, which also produces carbon dioxide
  2. The micro organisms that perform anaerobic respiration are known as yeast
  3. Yeasts are able to supply enzymes which break down the glucose to form ethanol and carbon dioxide.
  4. The additional flavour comes from a plant known as hops which is added to the ethanol in order to flavour it.
  5. The glucose comes from starch, starch is converted into maltose and maltose is converted into glucose.
  6. Starch is converted into maltose by an enzyme known as amylase whereas maltose is coverted into glucose by an enzyme known as maltase.
  7. The starch which is used to form glucose for the beer comes from barley seeds, rice, or wheat.
  8. The starch is broken down to amylase through the germination of the seed. This is a process called malting.
  1. In order to make beer, glucose is needed which comes from starch which is sourced from barley seeds, wheat, or rice.
  2. Yeasts are needed to respire anaerobically so that ethanol and carbon dioxide can be formed.
  3. Flavour is added to the ethanol by the plants called 'hops'.
  4. Starch-a-m-y-l-a-s-e-maltose-m-a-l-t-a-s-e-glucose
  5. glucose-y-e-a-s-t-ethanol +carbon dioxide, this process is known as anerobic respiration.

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