Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2.84-2.85 Nerve Impulses and Responses

Electrical Impulses: is a method of transporting information of environmental change from the receptor to the coordinator in order to receive a response.

  1. Impulses are sent to the coordinator from the receptor. 
  2. While making a decision, receptors are affected by an environmental change, electrical impulse is then sent to the Central Nervous system through the sensory nerves. The brain then coordinates a response. 
An uncoordinated response: A reflex, Example- withdrawing your hand after touching something really hot
  1. Pain receptor detects the hot temperature (stimuli)
  2. Sensory nerve sends electrical impulse to the brain. 
  3. The motor nerve sends signals to the effector which is the muscle in this case. The muscle then contracts and hand is withdrawn. 

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