Tuesday, January 24, 2012

2.77b Thermoregulaation

  1. here we are developing the idea of the control of body temperature. 
  2. Negative feedback loop- method of control and maintaining constant conditions. Keeps the human body at about 37 to 38 degrees.
  3. In order for this to work we have a receptor- hypothalamus- region of the brain, responds to stimulus-temperature of blood. 
  4. Body temp feeds into the brain and is compared to the theoretical level of control. 
  5. If the body temp needs to be increased or decreased, bought about through the action of the effector such as the skin.
  6. The response to this would either be an increase or decrease in body temperature. 
  7. This would intern feedback to the hypothalamus. 
  8. One of the major components of skin are sweat glands and the capillary networks (allows blood to move closer or further away from the skin)
  9. x axis represents time and y axis represents temperature. 

  1. If the body temp increases the input into the hypathalamus stimulates responses in the skin which bring about cooling, done through sweating or the flow of blood to the surface of the skin through the blood vessels which dilate (widen) in order to get more blood flow to the surface. 

  1. This further increases the exchange of heat to the outside of the heat through radiation and evaporational sweat.
  2.  this brings about cooling of the blood which returns the body temp to fixed level. 
  3. Body temperatures can fall in a cold environment. 
  4. When the body temperature decreases, this feeds into the hypothalamus which then swicthes on and brings about regulation to increase the body temperature such as shivering, vasoconstriction or raised hair

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