Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2.82 Communication

Nerve system 
  1. motor nerve-The orange/yellow part in the nerve would be embedded in the spine 

  1. The end is connected to an effector, most likely a muscle 
  2. The electrical impulse or nerve impulse is carried down the orange structure from the cell body to the synaptic knob, where it connects to the muscle. 
  3. The long structure is known as the axon. 
  4. In mammals, the axon is surrounded by schwann cells, which contain a lot of fat. They form a myelin sheath. 
  5. The effect of this is to increase the speed of nerve conduction. 
Endocrine System 
  1. The endocrine system involves an endocrine gland. 
  2. This produces hormones, could be protein or steroids. They are produced and manufactured in endocrine glands an e.g. of this would be adrenal gland. 
  3. The hormone is secreted into the blood.This will travel through the blood stream in order to get to its target organ or target tissue on which it will have an effect. 
  4. Hormones can have multiple targets and can bring about multiple effects.
  5. Communication based on nerves- Nerve impulse is fast
  6. Communication based on hormones- Nerve impulse is slow. 

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