Tuesday, November 8, 2011

2.74 ADH

  1. ADH-Anti diretic hormone
  2. This hormone is produced in a section of the brain known as the hypothelamis

  1. Like all hormones it flows through the bloodstream
  2. Its target is the kidney.
  3. The effect of this hormone is to control the quantity of water in blood as it is important that the tissue fuid is isotonic in every cell.
  4. ADH actually targets the collecting duct. The effect of this is that it allows more water to come out of the collecting duct.
  5. It is possible to increase the amount of water going into the blood through the collecting duct by applying ADH. It makes the collecting duct wall more porus therefore more water can escape from the collecting duct and flow into the bloodstream.
  6. The consequences of this ADH excretion is that the urine would be more concentrated and it would have a lower volume.

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