Tuesday, November 8, 2011

2.70 Nephron structure

  1. The branch of the aorta taking blood into the kidney is known as the renal artery
  2. Th kidney filters the blood and the contents which are removed and excreted from the blood are called urine, which comes down the structure known as the ureter, and is then collected in the bladder for release.
  3. The filtered blood exits through the renal vein and would return to the vena cava .
  4. If we slice through the kidney to show the internal structure, we see different colored regions
  5. The outer lighter region is known as the cortex, and the inner darker region is known as the medulla and the innermost lightest region is known as the pelvic region.
  6. The urine is collected in the pelvic region from where it drains down the ureter.

  1. The reason for these different colors is because the kidney is made up of various tubular structures.
  2. The tubular structure can be shown in here:

  1. The tube structure is known as the nephron.
  2. The first twisted section is known as the proximal convoluted tubule section.
  3. The second twisted section is known as the distal convoluted tubule section.
  4. There are millions of these nephrons (tubular structure) in the kidney.

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