Tuesday, November 8, 2011

2.71 Ultrafiltration

  • Nephron is the tubular structure in the kidney. This is the structure which carries out the filtration of our blood and ultimately results in two things
    • Filtered blood
    • Urine
  • Thr urine that comes out of the plevic region is composed largely of water, salts, and molecule known as urea (nitrogen waste).
  • The process of filtration, known as ultra filtration, filtration of molecules, starts in the bowman's capsule.

  • FIltration of blood begins when the blood arrives in the kidney, in the nephron, in the vessel known as the aferet arteriole. The blood here is under high pressure
  • The blood vessel coming out of the bowman's capsule is known as the efferent arteriole. The diameter of this blood vessel is much smaller than the afferent arteriole.
  • The blood develops a high pressure as it flows from a wide blood vessel (afferent arteriole) to a narrow blood vessel (efferent arteriole), the blood pressure increasing in the glomerulis.
  • The high pressure forces the liquid within the blood (plasma) and is forced into the space within the insidde of the bowman's capsule.
  • The plasma then becomes known as the glumerula filtrate.

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