Tuesday, June 14, 2011

4.12 the Greenhouse affect

  1. Short wavelengthed UV light is passed into the atmosphere.
  2. 50% of this light is reflected back into earth.
  3. The other 50% is absorbed by the earth's surface. The UV light is converted and transferred as infrared.
  4. The infrared is emmitted back outwards-some of this is lost in space in the form of heat.
  5. Major examples of the greenhouse gases are water vapour, methane, carbon dioxide.
  6. Infrared waves hit these gases. the gases then reemits these waves in all directions, including downwards. This raises the temperature slightly.
  7. Enhanced Greenhouse Effect consists of increases amounts of Carbon Dioxide and methane. This causes more radiation of infrared waves causing the temperature to rise. This then leads to climate change.
  8. Chloroflurocarbons are well known for the affect on the ozone layer.

This catalizes the breakdown of O (to the power of 3) to O (to the power of 2).
O3 is much better at absorbing UV light therefore by releasing CFCs we are removing the protection of the ozone layer.

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