Tuesday, June 14, 2011

4.11 Gas Pollution

  1. The Pollution is caused by sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide.
  2. Sulphur dioxide is added to the atnosphere through the combustion of fossil fuels.
  3. The combustion of these fossil fuels results in harmful gases released into the atmosphere.
  4. Sukphur dioxide is also released through fuel engines in cars.
  5. In the atnosphere, Sulphur dioxide combines with water vapour and forms sulphuric acid.
  6. The sulphuric acid is then stored in the clouds which condense to form rainfall. This type of rain is called acid rain.
  7. Acid rain burns trees and plants due to the direct effect of the sulphuric acid on the surface of the leaves.
  8. Sukphuric acid also affects the plants by leaching calcium and magnesium ions in the soil. This results in the plant not being able to grow.
  9. The acid rain precipitation forms streams which will join the lakes. This will reduce the pH and release aluminium ions. This will kill the fish as aluminium will thicken the mucus that lines the gills of the fish. This reduces oxygen supply to the fish.
  10. Carbon Monoxide is also produced when fossil fuels are burned with insufficient oxygen. Incomplete combustion.
  11. Carbon monoxide combines with the haemoglobin in the red blood cells and forms a molecule known as carbaminohaemoglobin.
  12. This blocks haemoglobin from carrying oxygen. This decreases the amount of oxygen being supplied to pther parts of the body.

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