Monday, October 10, 2011

3.33 Antibiotic resistance

  1. Staphlococcus aureus-bacteria which causes skin infection and some lung infection. 
  2. Those who are affected by this bacteria can be treated by an antibiotic known as methecilline. 
  3. This antibiotic kills the staphlococcus aureus. 
  4. The type of staphlococcus aureus which can be killed by the antibiotic are known as susceptible form (mssa)
  5. When a random mutation occurs within the genome of the staphlococcus aureus, the methecilline fails to kill it. This form is known as the resistant form of staphlococcus aureus. (mrsa)
  6. The mutation has created genes within the bacteria has allowed it to break down the antibiotic. 

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