Tuesday, March 22, 2011

  •  The process of transpiration is basically water evaporating from the surface of a plant.
  • in order for this to happen water has to turn into gas which is only possible through heat which is provided by the sun.
  • the sunlight is then absorbed by the structure of the leaves. The light energy from the sun turns into heat energy therefore the liquid water turns into gas
  • The evaporation is through the stomatal pores.
  • When sunlight is shone on the leaves not all of it is taken in by the chloroplasts. It is also taken in by other cell structures which generate some heat.  
  • The water is transported uo through the xylem and moved through the spongy musifiles
  • Just above the stomatal pore and in the middle of the spongy musifiles is where the conversion from liquid to gas takes place.
  • The gas then diffuses through the stamatal pores at a steep diffusion gradient.
  • Sunlight warms leaf
  • Liquid water is turned to gas
  • Gas is diffused through stamatal pores

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